Support East Cumberland Lodge

East Cumberland Lodge – Donations
Questions & Answers


1. What is the East Cumberland Lodge “Recreation Fund”?

Donations to the Recreation Fund provide funding for activities designed to benefit the mental, psycho-social, and physical health of ECL residents which would not otherwise funded. Examples include, but are not limited to, the provision of supplies for resident entertainment initiatives (bingos, etc), special event supplies such as those used for periodic holiday and life celebrations, visual and audio supplies to benefit residents individually or as a whole (eg movie nights).

2. What is the ECL “Memorial Fund”?

Donations to the Memorial Fund provide valuable resources to fund various items which would not otherwise be funded. Examples include, but are not limited to, funds being directed for the installation and maintenance of a healing and recreational garden within a secured area for ECL residents, the provision of specialized dining room chairs, patio furniture and other supplies for resident family rooms. At its discretion the ECL Board of Directors may also approve the usage of funds towards medical equipment and supplies not otherwise funded through the NS Department of Health & Wellness.

3. What is the ECL “Bus Fund”?

Donations to the ECL Bus Fund enable ECL to provide affordable and safe transportation of residents for excursions and outings during various times of the year. Pugwash is located approximately 50 km from the town ofAmherstand 100 km from the town ofTruro. As a rural village the access to community transportation is limited and the Bus Fund enables residents to be transported to a larger area for outings related to shopping, tourism, and other interests through the usage of commercial bus providers.

4. What is the “Sparkle of Lite Fund”?

Donations to the “Sparkle of Lite” Fund are used for one-time specialized projects to benefit ECL residents in areas that would not otherwise be funded. Past examples include the initial outfitting of comfortable resting and visiting areas, healthcare equipment involved in day-to-day care of residents such as ceiling lifts to assist patients in and out of beds, and other items which enable ECL to continue to create a home-like environment for its residents.

5. What is the “Fullerton Garden Fund”

Donations to the Fullerton Garden Fund help fund an open garden area where residents are able to enjoy hobby gardening, plant landscapes, and the provision of a shaded lounge and bbq area.

6. Who decides on what can be funded?

ECL, operating as Cumberland Senior Care Corporation, is a registered Canadian charity and hence adheres to the governing rules and regulations of the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency. Annually, it is professionally audited by a chartered accountancy firm as a separate legislative reporting requirement in Nova Scotia.

An annual budget relating to its day-to-day general operations is reviewed by its Board of Directors and receives final approval from the NS Department of Health & Wellness.

A separate annual budget relating to the usage of charitable and general donations to support not-otherwise funded programs and services is approved by the ECL Board of Directors and reported on regularly thereafter. Items outside of the normal approved budgetary processes require special authorization by the ECL Board of Directors.

7. How much of my personal donation actually goes to the specified Fund verses to
administrative costs?

In-Memoriam = 100% of the donation amount received
General donations made in person = 100% of the donation amount received.
On-line donations = 100% less a 3.9% service fee to CanadaHelps our on-line processor which covers credit card charges of the processor.
Community special events = if you are attending a special event hosted in support of any ECL fund then it would be anticipated that the net income of the event (gross sales less expenses) would be donated for the specified purpose. You should clarify this with the organizers of the event being held. If you are seeking a charitable receipt for your donation, you should ask the organizer directly how this is going to be addressed.
Direct mail & ECL Special Events = ECL targets to have costs of 20% or less in all its direct-mail programs to be in alignment with industry standards and works diligently to meet the recommended standards of the CRA Charities Division related to recommended fundraising costs for special events.

8. How can I donate to help?

East Cumberland Lodge, operating under the registered charitable name of “Cumberland Senior Care Corporation”, gratefully accepts donations in a variety of ways.

VISA / MASTERCARD DONATIONS: If you wish to make a donation using a credit card (VISA, Mastercard) – please visit the Canadahelps website Search for “East Cumberland Lodge” and complete your donation on line. In-Memorial and general donations can be made in this matter as well as indicating if a card is to be sent.

If you are making a donation by cheque, cash or money order, please make it payable to: East Cumberland Lodge

Please note on the reference line in the lower left hand corner which fund you would like it directed to. Should it not be indicated all donations will be placed in the ECL Memorial Fund.

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